
shivraj singh chouhan appeals to ministers, MLAS doneat 30%salary to CM relief fund

      Madhya pradesh chief ministers shivraj singh chouhan on i riday appealed to the ministers and MLAS in the state to contribution 30 per cent of their salarys so the chief ministers reief fund in the fight aainst covid-19 pandem.  L  If all of you agree then we will contribution 30 per cent of our salary to wards the CM relief end, to fight covid-19 untill the pandman doesn't come under control be it julay,august,September or October, " chouhan said in a conversation with state ministers via videos confraing            "I appeal to all MLAS to contribution 30 per cent of the salaryis for three monts to wards CM reief fund.covid - I also appeal to the people to give their contribution on in the fund" he added.

nagalend extends lock down to mon district

Total lock down has been extended to nagaled mon district, report news agency quoting an official bulleting. The lock down in mon district in interriour nagalend will continue till 2 August, it said. The lock down protocol will be followed and all shops, business establisnments, office shoots be closed      Expect pharmacies and three will be total ban on movment of people barring madical emergeciec, it said however, trucks from assam cariying essentail.commodities were permitted entry into the disctrist only for monday so that the general peopal can get them during the locj down, officials said.              Mon currently has 132 cases out of the total 1384 confirmed cases in nagalend. It also has 124 active cases the third highest number in the state it said. State capital kohima and commercial capital dimpur are the other two places where total lock down has been clamped.

coronavirus outbreak in panjab latest updets

     Panjab chief                   Minister amarinder singh on thursday said the state government "will impose a rs 5000 fine for home isolation violation and flouting of social distance/commerail eateries and non -adhernce to restriction at social.

coronavirus outbreak in panjab latest updets

     Panjab chief                   Minister amarinder singh on thursday said the state government "will impose a rs 5000 fine for home isolation violation and flouting of social distance/commerail eateries and non -adhernce to restriction at social.

corona outbreak in delhi latest updates

The case of delhi police man having a relapes of the coronavirus has baffled axperts and the doctors treding him and has raised the question whethere recovered patiant can contrast the infasction again.              The Police man,50, had tested positive for the virus in many and was trested at the indraprastha was traeated at the between is and 22 many. Thereafter is and tested negative and resumed duty. However, on 10 july he again felt unwell with fever and dry cough and got himself tested on 13 july.          The report came possitive through the repid antigen test as well as the RT -PCR test , said DR RAJESH chawla, senior consultant, repaitory and critical care medicine, apollo hospital.         The police man, who has no other undrying ailment, complined of chest pain on july 16 and was admited of the hospital the senior doctor said, adding that he is stable and his vitals are being monitored.

bengluru lock down: full list of what is open and what is closed

To crub the spead covid 19 in karnatak,the state government last week announced complete lockdoen in bengulru urben and rural districts from july 14 to july 22. Lockdown restrition will be in place from 8 pm july 14 (thurseday)till sam on july 22, chief mini ster bs yediyurappa announced. Essential service will be available during the lockdown  were announced by the chief Secretary vijay bhaskar on monday evening. Meanwhile, karnataka has been reporting a high number of deaths in the last three many as 198 of karnataka total 684 deaths , cent have been reported sice friday (july10) on sunday the state reported 71 deaths.

maharashtra: two more copes succumb to covid state toll at 79

Two more policemen succumbed to coronavirus disease (covid-19) in the past 24 hours,talking the death toll in the maharashrta police -79. Constabale jitendra bhalerao (38), posted at waliv police station in vasai, passed away early on monday morning after bating the virus for three weeks bhaleao was admitted to riddhi siddhi hospitle in nala sopara on june 20 after testing position sub inspector sachin navadkar illnesses ."he was quite fit before faliing sick last month" he said  On sunday afternoon,a 55 year old assistance sub inspector in tha mumbai trafic police passed away at a the hospital in was posted at the DN nagar trafic division in andheri west. Senior inspector siraj imandar said jadhav had didbetes but was other wise healthy.

panic buying ensues in bangal markets ahead of locldown in containment zones

People restorted to panic buying in several markets of west bangel on thursday disregarding social distancing norms ahead of tha imposition of a total lockdown in the containment zones in the state, PT reported despite a complete ban on mass gathering people were seen jostling in markets in kolkata to buying essentain commencemeM  of tha lockdown long queues were  witnessed outside deparment stores as people bought commodities for storage during the lockdown period they also lined up out side gase are nice to buy adiditional LPG cylinders in the week of tha lock down.